Sunday, March 22, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I liked this movie alot. I think that they did a great job of showing the culture, and also the different classes in India. It was so cool to see many of the things that we talked about in Geography class actually show up on the screen. The beginning was intense, actually the first half of the movie was. It was really sad to see the children get tricked into things. I also really understood the idea of family and that they well do whatever for those they love. I feel like this movie showed the culture and geography of India. They did great.

Spring Break!

For spring break I went home, Norfolk NE. Well I was at home I got so needed rest and relaxation. But along with that I got to deal with some chaos. I got to haul my brothers and sister around to their school events. I also got to enjoy the cold Nebraska weather. I am glad that I got to go home though because while I was there my car decided that the water heater would go out. I got fixed on Friday but on Sunday when I was packing my car there was a puddle of antifreeze under my car so I got to bring my younger brothers old beat up blazer back. At least I had something to drive. We also celebrated my nephews first birthday. It was so cute to see him eat cake and open his gifts. All in all break was nice and much needed.

Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa

I think that the aid the the United States gives to Africa is good. But at the same time we give a lot to them and sometimes when we ship of supplies to Africa they end up in the wrong hands, and then they get sold at markets. But I think over all the need in Africa is great and sending supplies and helping them is a start in the right direction. One of the ways to help others, the people in Africa, that I have always known is Orphan Grain Train. Orphan Grain Train is in my home town and my pastor started it. I have sorted clothing and a number of other things to help those in need. Personally I feel that I am so blessed to have everything that I have so to donate my time or money is one way to help others and spread God's love and word.

Monday, March 16, 2009


When they calculate the data they use statistics for international data agencies. As I began to click on countries, to name a few, the Philippians, Italy and the United States, they seemed similar in life expectancy. But I think that they are similar because the United States for example is more developed (financially, with technology,etc.) then other countries and regions.
The Human Development of the world, varies according to the region, for example North America has high human development but Africa has low human development. I think that part of that has to do with that fact that there is the Sahara Desert that is in a big part of Africa. That would explain a lot when it comes to numbers in Human Development, the environment and land can not support the people.