Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The place that I want to visit... Deutschland.

One of the many places that I want to visit is Germany. Germany is on the top of the list. In high school I took German as a foreign language for three years, and along with that we learned about the history and a lot about the Holocaust, considering it was a big part of their history. The Holocaust intrigues me. When I go to Germany I want to visit a concentration camp, Auschwitz is the one I really want to see. Also my last name is German, and I am half German so I to go over there also just because of culture and heritage. Learning about the German culture in high school makes me want to go over even more. When I go I am going to want to be there for at least one week hopefully I can go for two weeks. When I go I want to go with my younger brother, he is 16 and taking German right now and we both want to go so bad to actually be able to see what the culture is like. My brother went to Washington D.C. this year for the March to Life and he got to visit the Holocaust museum there, I was so jealous, but it makes me want to go even more. The food in Germany has its differents and similarities, they do have McDonald's, but the differences is that the German people walk and ride bikes more often, because for one you can't get a driver's licence until you are 18 and then if you want to it cost a lot of money. I hope that some day I can go to Germany and see the culture, landscape and their history.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Where in the world are the most Rachels?

This is a cool website! When I typed in my name I expected to have the United States to have the most Rachels in the world, but the US was number 4 on the list. The country that has the most girls named Rachel in the world is Poland. Number 2 is India and the third country is Germany, the next country is the US and the fifth country is France. This is crazy I did not know that the so many countries, and so many people use the name Rachel. The name Rachel means 'Little Lamb'.
After I typed in my first name I was curious to see where my last name is used the most. I was told that my name is German. What I found was that my name is German, but more people in Switzerland use it. Then Germany. The United States is seventh.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vacation to Seoul, South Korea anyone?

On you tube I found this tourism video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxyY4lqAjcE While I was watching this video I thought it was interesting that they showed both the modern side of Seoul, but had an emphasis on the history and how important it is.

As the video went on they said that 'Youth and Passion' are other names for Seoul. I thought that was interesting. Through this video you see the technology side of the city.

This video was cool because you got to see a lot of the city and its surroundings during the video. It looks likes a city that is always going, that has alot to do and see.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bizzare Foods

To Eat or not to eat, that is the great question. I know for a fact that in my family the second we got home we were hungary adn asking mom what is for dinner. As I think back if she would have placed this in front of me I don't know what I would do.
I enjoy watching this show, because well for starters youu get to see places all over the world and what they eat but it also shows some of the culture that goes along with the food.
This picture is of a spaghetti dish is Sicily. This dish is interesting because unlike our spaghetti which normally has a meat sauce with it, this dish has squid ink with some squid meat. It still has some basic ingredients in it, such as garlic, tomato sauce, and parsley. Also in Sicily they had Anelleti with Octopus, which also looked like an odd dish to me. This got me thinking about what we eat here in America, what do people from other countries think about what we eat?

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Countries that belong to the G-20 are
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This image is looking at Antarctia and also at Australia. I like this image because it shows a different way to look at Antarctia. When we think of Antartic, and look at it on a globe, you don't normally see all of it. I didn't know that it looked that big. Antarctia is 14 million sq km.
I also like how you see the under side of Australia. This image is different because its something we hardly ever see.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I liked this movie alot. I think that they did a great job of showing the culture, and also the different classes in India. It was so cool to see many of the things that we talked about in Geography class actually show up on the screen. The beginning was intense, actually the first half of the movie was. It was really sad to see the children get tricked into things. I also really understood the idea of family and that they well do whatever for those they love. I feel like this movie showed the culture and geography of India. They did great.

Spring Break!

For spring break I went home, Norfolk NE. Well I was at home I got so needed rest and relaxation. But along with that I got to deal with some chaos. I got to haul my brothers and sister around to their school events. I also got to enjoy the cold Nebraska weather. I am glad that I got to go home though because while I was there my car decided that the water heater would go out. I got fixed on Friday but on Sunday when I was packing my car there was a puddle of antifreeze under my car so I got to bring my younger brothers old beat up blazer back. At least I had something to drive. We also celebrated my nephews first birthday. It was so cute to see him eat cake and open his gifts. All in all break was nice and much needed.

Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa

I think that the aid the the United States gives to Africa is good. But at the same time we give a lot to them and sometimes when we ship of supplies to Africa they end up in the wrong hands, and then they get sold at markets. But I think over all the need in Africa is great and sending supplies and helping them is a start in the right direction. One of the ways to help others, the people in Africa, that I have always known is Orphan Grain Train. Orphan Grain Train is in my home town and my pastor started it. I have sorted clothing and a number of other things to help those in need. Personally I feel that I am so blessed to have everything that I have so to donate my time or money is one way to help others and spread God's love and word.

Monday, March 16, 2009


When they calculate the data they use statistics for international data agencies. As I began to click on countries, to name a few, the Philippians, Italy and the United States, they seemed similar in life expectancy. But I think that they are similar because the United States for example is more developed (financially, with technology,etc.) then other countries and regions.
The Human Development of the world, varies according to the region, for example North America has high human development but Africa has low human development. I think that part of that has to do with that fact that there is the Sahara Desert that is in a big part of Africa. That would explain a lot when it comes to numbers in Human Development, the environment and land can not support the people.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

National Geographic Picture

San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge appears to float on a sea of surrounding clouds.
About 2 hours later (after looking through tons of pictures), I picked this picture because this picture is something that I have seen many pictures of, but none of those pictures that I have seen are quiet like this one. I really enjoy this picture because the bridge is pushing straight through the clouds and there is a sunset, I think it is gorgeous.

Cuba and the Travel Ban

I think that changing the travel ban would be good. It would alow people from the United States to go and visit theor families back in Cuba freely. I am glad to see that president of Cuba, Franisco "Pepe" Hernandez, has said that "The bill has gone too far." I would hope that if the travel ban is lifted that itwould help the Cubans get matters in the country resolved. Even though some poeople think that lifting the travel banned will not resolve anything.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mexico turns to tourism to bolster economy

Imagine blue water, a clear sky, and a city that comes to life a night... Imagine being in Cancun.
The article that I found is about Mexico and its tourism. In the article they talked about Mexico, specifically Cancun, and how it is a well known vacation spot. They talked to a 21 year old female college student who said that her friends already booked their flights this year to go to Cancun. I was curious so I went to Travelocity and look up how much it would cost for one adult to go to Cancun over Concordia's spring break . It would cost a range from $4,166 to $770. For those cost you would get round trip airplane tickets, and stay at a hotel for seven nights. Then you would have to figure in the cost of food and fun. They say that students keep asking for cheaper packages, they say that students feel that they don't need to stay in a five, four star hotel. They also say that it is easier to find a cheaper package because currently jet fuel is cheaper. Mexico is depending on tourism to get them through the global economy crisis. With 30,000 people expected to visit this year and with Cancun being a host for many spring breakers I think that they will come out okay and can pay off some of the things that they have built to improve the atmosphere and the appearance of the beach and resort.

You can find this article on http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28780345/ .

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The map that I decided to pick was meat production. I picked this map because I thought that it would be interesting to see the meat production and see where the United States is at. I found out that the China, United States, and Brazil are the top producers of meat in the world. All of this countries together produce over half of the worlds meat.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hong Kong and Australia are the two countries that I chose to compare. When you look at the Hong Kong Pyramid you can see that the population increases around the age of 35, 40.
In the Australia the population increases at age 30, 35. Some differences in these two pyramid graphs is that in the Australia pyramid the birth rate increase was larger for a wider age group then in Hong Kong pyramid.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One place that I visited that was interesting to me was Florida. I went to Orlando for the National Youth Gathering with my church youth group. While we were there we got to see a lot of different things. We went to two beachs one on the Alantic side and the other was on the Gulf of Mexico side of Florida. which meant that I got to see the ocean! And see two different bodies of water. Florida was different for me because when were driving around it was very humid outside and then it would rain almost every day. There were also a lot of swamps and tropical vegetation around. We actually saw a baby alligator in a little swamp by one of our hotels. I was also in a little bit of shock because I am not use to big city life and the traffic that normally comes with it. But it was cool to be able to see someplace like Florida it really opened my eyes to what is really out there.